Posted by : Ivan LL Friday, July 23, 2021

 Alucard from Symphony of the Night Model from Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls (Mobile) for GTA VICE CITY

Yo guys think I should go back to sa? i just wanted make more people to visit. it seems i lost lot of visitor i need more people for my ads getting noticed lol. probably no one really play sa anymore and there is already thousand sa skin mod around internet. while vice city mod barely exist even thought it's support cleo and modloader it's should be easier.


{ 13 komentar... read them below or Comment }

  1. Cool, Can you make Griffith for gta sa pls

  2. Very cool skin! I think you should go back to GTA SA)) By the way, could you transfer these models to GTA SA? I will be very grateful to you for this)) 1) 2)

    1. I'm sorry, I will only to get work if get paid

  3. Very good, could do the skin of the Gintoki with the wooden sword for gta sa, please.

  4. Good work! Can you please make this skin for GTA SA?

  5. Hey guys, If you want to support me and want me to continue modding, you could support me be clicking those ads for a second of your time for only once a day or once a week.

  6. Very nice, thanks. but can you continuing the soma mod? Please:)

  7. Soma Cruz skin is available (?

  8. When is soma cruz done for GTA SA?


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