Posted by : Ivan LL Friday, November 5, 2021


Hello, Soon is the release day of GTA remastered Trilogy for Switch/pc/ps/xbox on November 11, 2021

Oh Also a day whre smtv release on switch!

Let's appreciate it with my another release for gta sa skin!

Maybe we could try modding it on sa remaster later i hope so. 

i'm not sure if my old machine can handled the remaster tho, 

I hear the system requirement are higher than rdr2 😥

(also i might not active here until next year or idk) see ya!

Character Millenia From Decption II, Model from Warriors All-Star from Xnalara ported


{ 3 komentar... read them below or Comment }

  1. I made a comment asking for a skin, but I didn't look at the post well, but still, on your return, can you make a Vanilla Ice Skin from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure?

    1. i can do it, if you give me at least 10 bucks (via pp or patron)


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